
Institut de Parasitologie et de Pathologie Tropicale

Cornu M. et al. Evaluation of Mass Spectrometry-Based Detection of Panfungal Serum Disaccharide for Diagnosis of Invasive Fungal Infections: Results from a Collaborative Study Involving Six European Clinical Centers. J Clin Microbiol, 2019, 57: e01867-18. DOI Link
Greigert V. et al. Cestode infections in non-human primates suggest the existence of zoonotic cycles in the area surrounding the Strasbourg primatology center. Parasite, 2019a, 26: 25. DOI Link
Greigert V. et al. When biology supports clinical diagnosis: review of techniques to diagnose ocular toxoplasmosis. Br J Ophthalmol, 2019b, 103: 1008–1012. DOI Link
Greigert V. et al. Biological Diagnosis of Ocular Toxoplasmosis: a Nine-Year Retrospective Observational Study. mSphere, 2019c, 4: e00636-19. DOI Link
Kendjo E. et al. Epidemiologic Trends in Malaria Incidence Among Travelers Returning to Metropolitan France, 1996-2016. JAMA Netw Open, 2019, 2: e191691. DOI Link
Rochet E. et al. Type I ROP16 regulates retinal inflammatory responses during ocular toxoplasmosis. PLoS One, 2019, 14: e0214310. DOI Link
Rossi S. et al. Red deer (Cervus elaphus) did not play the role of maintenance host for Bluetongue virus in France: The burden of proof by long-term wildlife monitoring and Culicoides snapshots. Viruses, 2019, 11: 903. DOI Link
Seidel D. et al. Prognostic factors in 264 adults with invasive Scedosporium spp. and Lomentospora prolificans infection reported in the literature and FungiScope®. Crit Rev Microbiol, 2019, 45: 1–21. DOI Link


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