
Institut de Parasitologie et de Pathologie Tropicale

Benotmane I. et al. Long-term shedding of viable SARS-CoV-2 in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19. Am J Transplant, 2021, 21: 2871–2875. DOI Link
Brenier-Pinchart M.-P. et al. Impact of pre-analytic step duration on molecular diagnosis of toxoplasmosis for five types of biological samples. PLoS One, 2021, 16: e0246802. DOI Link
Danion F. et al. Factors associated with coinfections in invasive aspergillosis: a retrospective cohort study. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2021. DOI Link
Dumond C. et al. Epidemiological and clinical study of microsporidiosis in French kidney transplant recipients from 2005 to 2019: TRANS-SPORE registry. Transpl Infect Dis, 2021. DOI Link
Dumortier J. et al. Microsporidiosis after liver transplantation: A French nationwide retrospective study. Transpl Infect Dis, 2021, 23: e13665. DOI Link
Dupuis C. et al. Performance of Repeated Measures of (1-3)-β-D-Glucan, Mannan Antigen, and Antimannan Antibodies for the Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis in ICU Patients: A Preplanned Ancillary Analysis of the EMPIRICUS Randomized Clinical Trial. Open Forum Infect Dis, 2021, 8: ofab080. DOI Link
Gerber V. et al. Ancylostoma ceylanicum as the second most frequent hookworm species isolated in France in travellers returning from tropical areas. J Travel Med, 2021a, 28: taab014. DOI Link
Gerber V. et al. Detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii in Patients with Severe COVID-19: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges. J Fungi (Basel), 2021b, 7: 585. DOI Link
Hoellinger B. et al. Unusual presentation of toxoplasmosis with gastro-intestinal involvement in HLA non-identical stem cell transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis, 2021, 23: e13616. DOI Link
Krupa E. et al.Diapause characterisation and seasonality of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera, Culicidae) in the northeast of France. Parasite, 2021, 28: 45.DOI Link
Lersy F. et al. Cerebral mucormycosis: neuroimaging findings and histopathological correlation. J Neurol, 2021. DOI Link
Martínez-de la Puente J. et al. Culicoides imicola (Biting Midge). Trends in Parasitology, 2021. DOI Link
Mondot S. et al. Parasites and diet as main drivers of the Malagasy gut microbiome richness and function. Sci Rep, 2021, 11: 17630. DOI Link
Oertel L. et al. Be careful with lentils! About a forensic observation. Int J Legal Med, 2021, 135: 323–327. DOI Link
Razakandrainibe R. et al. Multicenter Evaluation of an ELISA for the Detection of Cryptosporidium spp. Antigen in Clinical Human Stool Samples. Microorganisms, 2021, 9: 209. DOI Link
Rocchi S. et al. Interlaboratory evaluation of Mucorales PCR assays for testing serum specimens: A study by the fungal PCR Initiative and the Modimucor study group. Med Mycol, 2021, 59: 126–138. DOI Link


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