
Institut de Parasitologie et de Pathologie Tropicale

The main research topics of the Laboratory of Medical Entomology are taxonomy and systematic by both morphological and molecular approaches. At least barcoding region is sequenced for a broad range of species. The comprehensive of complexes and groups of species is of major interest for the lab...

Descriptions and re-descriptions of species are done with development of quantitative of qualitative molecular assays and/or morphological keys. Started in the framework of the European program MedReoNet, an interactive identification key (IIKC) had been developed and validated for hundred or so species from the West Palearctic region (see IIKC article). The key is updated on a regular basis and extension to Est Palearctic and Oriental region is in process. 

The laboratory had been involved in the national surveillance network of the species of the genus Culicoides vector of Bluetongue in close collaboration with CMAEE team of CIRAD and EID Méditerranée (2001-2013). The inventory of the huge reference collection of the Culicoides species started in 60’s by J. Callot and M. Kremer is in process. An actualized state of the inventory progress is available here (see collection article).


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